Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Cousin Addison!!

June 17, 2012
Last Sunday, Caleb and Kailyn's cousin, Addison turned THREE!! Mommy still remembers being pregnant with Caleb and waiting at the hospital for her to be born. What a special day! It is so fun that Addison and Caleb are only 2.5 months apart, they truly are best friends. She had her princess Birthday party at her new house and we all had a fun time.
Aunt Jessica went all pink and princess for Miss Addison!
First, all of the kids enjoyed playing outside.
We also enjoyed visiting family- playing with Grandad.
Daddy and Kailyn chatted with Pepaw and Great Grandmother.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
Enjoying play time.
Mommy feeding Kailyn and talking to Uncle Josh
Fun on the trampoline
Watching the kids play! 3 generations of Gilmore's
Mommy hanging out with fussy Kailyn. She was worn out by Sunday afternoon and ready to be back at home and on schedule!
Happy Birthday to Addison!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Saturday Spent on the Water

June 16, 2012
We spend last weekend in Guntersville with Jeremy's parents. On Friday night, after we all got the kids to bed, we decided that on Saturday morning we would get up, get ready, and go out on Jeremy's Grandmother's boat. So Saturday morning, we did just that! And we only ran about 45 minutes behind the schedule we set. Addison had spent the night, so Jeremy's parents had her and we, of course, had our two to tend to. We had a great time on our boating adventure. We had packed a picnic lunch, so we found a sandbar and parked for a while. We let Caleb and Addison swim while Kailyn enjoyed a bottle, then we all sat down on the boat to eat lunch. The kids swam for a few minutes after lunch, then we packed up and headed back so they could get good naps. It was a fun morning in the sun!
Good morning! Playing before breakfast.
At the boathouse, waiting on Daddy and Grandad to get the boat ready for take off...
Finally on the boat!
Let's swim!
Miss Kailyn even enjoyed a little swimming.
After naptime, we headed to the pool for a swim. Our friend Eleanor brought her little boy, Will over to swim with Caleb- they are 1 year and 1 month apart. We had a great time catching up! And Kailyn used a float for the first time and seemed to enjoy it, although she was ready for a nap at that point.
Kailyn lounging by the pool.
Caleb was ready to swim, pool toys in tow.
Mr. Will had fun exploring the pool area but did not do much swimming, he loved just walking around and taking it all in!
Kailyn in her new float.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Kailyn- 4 Month Check Up

Kailyn had her 4 month check up this afternoon. She weighs 15lbs 14oz (97%), measures 25.25in long (97%), and her head is 42.5cm (95%). We have a big, healthy, little girl!!! The doctor was very pleased with her growth and development. We just need to keep doing as we are! She cried with the shots, of course, but recovered very quickly. She fell fast asleep once we got in the car, so we ran by the bank then to dinner at the mexican restaurant. It was a pretty day, so we were able to enjoy sitting outside. She woke up as we were finishing our dinner and was in a great mood. She continued to have a great afternoon, so we are hoping she sleeps well tonight and is still feeling good in the morning.
Mommy snapped a few pictures of her little boo boo's before bath time. She got one shot in each leg, but you can only see one bandaid in the pictures.

A Week without Daddy

June 11-15, 2012
Last week, Daddy had to go to California for work. He actually stayed at the Hilton Beach Resort in Huntington Beach, so don't feel too bad about Daddy working too hard!! Mommy was so jealous that he got to wake up to a beach view and the sound of waves for a week. Meanwhile, Mommy and the two kiddos played and had a good week. Mommy was still really nervous about keeping two kids allll day long and then doing dinner, baths, and bedtimes by herself. You see, we usually do Kailyn and Caleb's baths at the same time then put them to bed at about the same times. So it really puzzled Mommy on how she was going to make that work. Enter the grandparents :)
On Monday, Gran Gran came over after she got off work and we went to Casa Blanca for a mexican dinner. Then we headed back to the house for a little play time and then she stayed the night to help with bedtime and to keep Mommy company.
Tuesday Gran Gran came back over after work again- Monday must not have been too hard on her for her to return again, ha! We actually had our small group Bible study this night, so she kept Kailyn while Mommy and Caleb went to our friends' house to eat dinner and fellowship. It was a good week for Daddy to miss since it was Rachel's Birthday and we just had a game night. Gran Gran did great with Kailyn- gave her a bath and put her down for bed before we got home.
On Wednesday morning, the car dealership called to say that Mommy's car was ready, so we had to rush over to the car rental store and then go get our car back- finally, after almost 2 weeks. Mommy was so tired of driving that huge Tahoe around town. Then we came home for lunch and both kids took big naps, yay! Earlier in the week, Grandmama and Grandad had offered for Mommy and the kids to come to Guntersville to spend a few days so that they could help with the kids. So once everyone was down for naps, Mommy packed everything up and we headed to Guntersville later that afternoon. Caleb was so excited about spending a few days with his grandparents and they got to know Kailyn a little better, which was nice. And Mommy was so relieved to have more help!
On Thursday, we had a lazy morning and just enjoyed being at Grandmama and Grandad's house. Kailyn was still getting used to being there and sleeping in the pack n play, and was taking shorter naps than usual. That afternoon, Grandmama and Grandad kept both Caleb and Kailyn by themselves for the first time while Mommy went to Wal-Mart to get the nail in her tire fixed and to pick up some groceries. They were unable to get Kailyn down for her late afternoon nap, but they survived!! Mommy picked up Chick Fil A for dinner on the way back in and we played outside before baths.
Friday was Daddy day!! We were so excited that Daddy was going to be back with us that afternoon. Meanwhile, we got up got to work on Daddy's Father's Day gift- hand/foot impressions. Mommy found an easy recipe on Pinterest and decided to give it a try. (1/2c flour, 1/2c salt, 1/4c water. Bake at 200F for 3hrs) Caleb made his handprint and we decided to do Kailyn's foot since it was easier. After we got their impressions baking in the oven, it was time for Aunt Kacie and the girls to come over to swim. Grandmama and Grandad graciously offered to keep Kailyn so that Mommy could enjoy swimming with Caleb and have special time with just him. He really enjoyed being Mommy's only one for a little while. We had a blast swimming, but were having so much fun that we forgot to take pictures. Boo! We all headed back to the house for lunch and Kailyn woke up early from her nap. So her and Rylann were able to play for a few minutes and we did manage to get a few pictures of them! After nap time, Grandad went to pick up cousin, Addison from daycare to spend the night and play with Caleb. And soon after that, Daddy arrived! So blessed and grateful that he arrived back to us safely. We then went out to the local mexican restaurant for a yummy dinner and finished off the evening with ice cream sandwiches before bathtime.
More on our fun weekend in Guntersville soon!!
Kailyn and Rylann playing together. Can you believe these are the only pictures I took all week?!! Kailyn and Rylann are 3.5 months apart and their Mommies are hoping that they are great friends like they are. Mommy and Aunt Kacie love their girls :)
Daddy's almost finished Father's Day gift. Just need to paint them and loop the ribbon through the two holes at the top.

Kailyn's New Toy

June 11, 2012
Daddy got Kailyn's saucer and jumperoo down from the attic, yay! They are actually Caleb's from when he was a glad we saved everything. Mommy had noticed that Kailyn already loves to stand up and put weight on her legs. She also enjoys being upright and will even get mad if you lean her back, thinking you are trying to put her to sleep. So we gave it a shot and she loves playing in them. She can hit the animal buttons that make sounds and play music and she also swats at a round toy that spins around. Caleb is over the moon excited that she is starting to play. Whenever Mommy puts her in the saucer, he runs over and starts playing with her.