I can't believe that our sweet Kailyn is already 1 month old. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed, but then again I can't imagine life without her. She has been such a blessing to our lives. Kailyn is such a sweet little girl. Now that we are at the one month mark, her schedule is getting a little more predictable. It usually goes a little something like this:
5am- morning snack bottle (2 to 3 oz)
7:30 or 8- breakfast bottle (4oz)
11:30- lunch bottle (4oz)
3pm- afternoon snack bottle (3oz)
7:30 or 8- bedtime bottle (4 to 5 oz)
2am- middle of the night bottle (3 to 4 oz)
Although the times still vary a lot, it is nice to be able to predict when she may want a bottle. And most nights she just sticks to that one feeding around 2 am, meaning Mommy only has to get up once. After the 5am feeding, it is easier for Mommy to stay up and get a shower and ready for the day before Big Brother gets up.
Kailyn sleeps most of the time still. She wakes up ready to eat and most of the time falls asleep with the last few sips of her bottle. Every once in a while she will try and fight going back to sleep, which makes her a little fussy. The swing has been good for getting Kailyn to go to sleep sometime, it just rocks her back into that deep sleep! We think she is going to have a really sweet personality...she barely cries. When she wakes up to eat, she mostly grunts. If we wait too long to feed her, of course she gets mad. But she does not like to be messed with- changing diaper, clothes, bath, etc. But Mommy thinks it is because all of those things make her a little cold and that will get better with time.
We have been getting out of the house a lot more the past few weeks. Mommy has to take Caleb to school twice a week and pick him up. Luckily, we are able to do the car line in the mornings, but we have to walk in to get him in the afternoons. Sometimes while Caleb is at school Kaiyln and Mommy will run errands and other times we go home to rest or clean house. We have also been getting out a lot as a family to go to dinner, Target- Caleb's favorite, or run other errands. As long as Kailyn has just eaten, she does really well when we are out and about...she just sleeps in her carseat :)
On February 13, 2012 Kailyn had her newborn check up. She weighed 5lbs 1oz, which was less than her birth weight (5lbs 6oz). But everything else looked great! She had to have some blood work done by sticking her heel, but she handled it very well by only crying for a short minute. Since she was underweight at her newborn apointment, we had to go back the following week on February 21 for a weight check and she weighed 5lbs 10oz!!!
Here are some pictures from Kailyn's first month!!
First Doctor's visit for a weight check.
February 7, 2012 (3 Days old)
Hanging out in her bed.
February 7, 2012 (3 Days old)
Cozy in her pajamas!!
February 10, 2012 (6 Days old)
First Sponge Bath! (February 11, 2012)
Playing dress up!!
February 11, 2012 (1 Week old)
Nana made this one :)
Kailyn also celebrated her first holiday during her first month- Valentine's Day!!
(February 14, 2012- 1 Week 3 Days old)
Dressed up for her first visit to Church with Mommy and Daddy (February 19, 2012- 3wks 1day old):
First visit to the park (February 26, 2012):
One Month portrait (March 8, 2012):
Enjoying snuggles with Mommy and Daddy:
We love you sooooooo very much, sweet girl!!! :)
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