Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snow Day!

January 17, 2013
We had a very strange snow day a few weeks ago. The night before the weather people were predicting snow after lunch time so several schools announced that they would let out early. Madison City did not, so Caleb went to school like it was a regular day. Around 10:30 or so it started sleeting and quickly turned into snow. The roads started getting slushy and schools were let out. I had to wake Kailyn up from her nap to go get Caleb from school early. The snow was so pretty on the drive to Church but the ride home got serious in a hurry. Everyone was driving very slowly, thankfully but it took us a long time to get home- with 2 kids that haven't had lunch yet! We finally made it home as we slid a little pulling into our neighborhood. I called Jeremy and basically told him to get home. He finally decided to listen and came home shortly afterwards, having a hard time getting through the roads himself. Caleb was SO excited about the snow, so we took them out to play in it before putting them down for a nap. And it is a really good thing that we did because at about 2pm it stopped snowing and the sun came out, the snow was melting and the roads were fine by 2:30- the time Jeremy usually gets off work. Oh well! It was a fun snowy afternoon while it lasted.

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