Monday, October 22, 2012

Mother's Day IN

October 16, 2012
Last Tuesday, Kailyn slept in a little later than she usually does, which pushed her morning nap a little later. She did not fall asleep in the car on the way to or from school (like she always does lately), so Mommy decided that we would just come home to play and nap while Caleb was at school. It was SO nice! Mommy had some quailty play time with Kailyn, which was tons of fun. We even had a little photo shoot. Then she took a great nap where Mommy was able to do a few extra chores and relax a little before Kailyn woke up. Then we had a quick lunch and before we knew it, it was time to head back to Church to pick Caleb up. It seems like every Tues/Thur, there are at least 2 errands to do each day, which means that we might as well stay out for the entire school time. Since Kailyn usually falls asleep in the car, Mommy ends up parking at our first errand for about 20ish minutes to let her get a good nap. Then we run around and when Kailyn gets hungry, we eat lunch. Then we go get Caleb. But this particular Tuesday was so nice to enjoy each other and take an easier pace. Here is to more Mother's Days IN!!!

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